Bangladesh Information Technology
Bangladesh is fast advancing in the field of information technology. This change is coming with various government initiatives as well as various initiatives and efforts of the youth. The use of smartphones and internet is increasing in the country with their hands. Different sectors of the country are changing rapidly. For example, young Lemunuzzaman is setting up an IT training institute in a remote area of Kushtia’s Alla Dargah. He said that he is taking initiative to teach various jobs like basic computer, graphics design, web development as information technology training in his area. Many young people like him are playing a special role in the development of the country’s IT sector

Miguel Kararsko, Armenia’s BCG senior partner and global leader for digital government, recently said technology creates jobs. 10 percent of the work that will be done in the coming days, computer programming, 20 percent will be technology. People will need the remaining 80 percent. According to the Global Skills Index 2019 (GSI) of the online learning platform Coursera, Bangladesh is doing well in terms of technical skills such as operating systems and software engineering. The list highlights the performance of countries in the Asia-Pacific region, including Bangladesh. The index shows that 90 percent of developing economies are now lagging behind or at risk of acquiring critical skills. In this case, Bangladesh is doing well in terms of technical skills.
In the face of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Bangladesh’s information technology sector has emphasized on various infrastructural developments, including the development of skilled human resources. Sajeeb Wazed Joy, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Information and Communication Technology, said at the launch of the e-Government Master Plan report at the ICT Tower in the capital, “Bangladesh will be among the top 50 countries in the UN e-Governance Development Index in the next five years by expanding and improving digital services.” We are now ranked 115th in the National Index of e-Governance. In the next five years, we will improve by 50 steps to double digits, our goal. We started our journey for Digital Bangladesh 10 years ago. Then many people did not understand what is digital Bangladesh? But in a short time we have proved them wrong. Digital Bangladesh is no longer a dream, it is real. What you are seeing today is a little bit of digital Bangladesh. We have done a lot more and will continue to do so. ‘
State Minister for Information Technology Junaid Ahmed said, “Currently, the country’s IT and ICT sector has a revenue of 1 billion. The target is to reach earned 500 million by 2021. We are decentralizing technology. For this, 28 high-tech parks have been set up across the country. The only desire of all of us here is to use technology for socio-economic development. WCIT will be held in Dhaka in 2021. Such a great achievement of the country’s IT sector will be displayed there. In the year of the 50th anniversary of independence, this event will bring glory to the country. Representatives from 63 countries will take part in it.
Praise for Bangladesh’s advancement in information technology is already coming from all over the world. James Pogents, Secretary General of the World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA), an international organization in the field of information technology, said WITSA has chosen Dhaka for the World Conference because Bangladesh is doing well in IT and attaches great importance to it. Bangladesh has Vision 2021, through which it is moving forward in ICT. Leadership is the key to any country’s success. Bangladesh has it.
It is becoming clear that Bangladesh is moving ahead in the development of information technology. In 2014, Bangladesh was ranked for the first time in the Global Service Location Index (GSLI) by AT Carney, a world-renowned management consulting firm. Bangladesh ranks 32 out of 50 countries in this list.
According to the government’s information technology department, Bangladesh has been gaining international recognition in information technology for several years as a result of various effective initiatives. Among them, Bangladesh has received several prestigious recognitions including ITU Award, South South Award, Gartner and AT Carney. However, more emphasis needs to be placed on industry development. For this reason, various initiatives including e-governance have to be taken along with the IT industry. This will expand the local market for local companies.
The wonderful advancement of technology in the country has been visible for a decade. In the meantime, Bangladesh’s first satellite in space, including a few major achievements, has taken Bangladesh to a different height. Bangladesh has earned a respectable place in the world of technology. The biggest surprise is the beginning of progress as ‘Digital Bangladesh’. The Department of Information and Communication Technology has been working on several aspects of the implementation of Digital Bangladesh. The aspects are: (a) connectivity and ICT infrastructure (b) human resource development (c) development of ICT industry (d) establishment of e-governance and others. Experts are calling this information-based development and progress as a digital renaissance. The Department of Information and Communication Technology is working to: increase the number of ICT professionals to 20 million by 2021, ensure 5 billion in ICT revenue and 5% contribution to GDP.
Changes in quality of life
Along with the concept of Digital Bangladesh, it has also had a big impact on people’s lives. It has brought big changes